Best Opencart theme options you can find in any theme? Decide for yourself by visiting one our demo admin, user/pass: demo/demo. The Journal 3 blog has been greatly improved and it now comes with the most advanced set of typography tools, including custom drop-cap support as well as optional newspaper-like fluid columns. You can break up the page in up to 4 columns and change the configuration per breakpoint for the best article layout on any screen width.
The Journal blog is built directly into the admin with lots of powerful options, including seo urls and limited admin access to blog settings for other users to author articles. You or your writer can author unlimited blog posts and display them in both grid or list views with support for our famous Items per Row feature. The blog comes with 6 modules including an advanced Posts Module that allows you to display articles on any page within your store and in any position.
More about Journal
Since 2013, Journal has been the best selling and most loved OpenCart theme on the market. Now at version 3, it brings many new and revolutionary features such as an advanced page builder with 30+ multi-purpose modules that can be added on any page in any grid layout configuration, as well as the best possible customizable options for any area of your store.
Journal 3 also comes with fully customizable CSS options with the added possibility of setting each option differently on any breakpoint. This breakthrough feature will greatly enhance your design skills and allow you to create pixel perfect layouts at any screen width.
This is a blockquote element. It's styled from the Journal admin Typography style. You can edit lots of options including the custom icon on the side, font and other text styles, padding, background, etc.
The new advanced Status mechanism allow you to set up modules and menus based on device, customer login status or customer groups.
The new Schedule feature allows you to display any module at specific dates in the future, or to disable any module automatically at a certain time and date.
Imagine the possibilities and peace of mind...designing your promotional banners or sliders, or entire product modules that only show up on specific dates and are disabled automatically whenever you don't need them anymore.
These are just a few of the outstanding features available in the new Journal 3 framework, there are so many new options and possibilities that it will takes us a very long time to list them all.
Responsive Video
Responsive video embeds with max width and float options, as well as full container styles on the video-responsive class. Display videos in your descriptions, blog posts, or custom modules anywhere on the page. Just wrap the iframe in additional div elements with the required classes and you have full control over your video layout.
The above element is a fully customizable hr
element, including custom icon options. Unprecedented control over your elements directly from the admin.
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